Barbara Brändli Biblioteca de Fotógrafos Latinoamericanos

Michel Otayek


With her prodigious sensitivity to dynamism and movement, Barbara Brandli (1932-2011) portrayed a multiple and everchanging Venezuela, from the Sanema and Yanomami people in the rainforest to the chaotic streets of Caracas. She always insisted on showing the immense human value of the -distant Venezuela-, so difficult to spot from the metropolis’ dizzying modernity: the Amazonian tribes, the traditional artisans, whose trade is gradually fading away, the Andean peasants, inhabitants of misty paramos abandoned by the younger generations… This new book belongs to the PHotoBolsillo series, which publishes monographs on the most important Spanish, Latin American and African photographers in a didactic and affordable format. 112 images

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Barbara Brändli Biblioteca de Fotógrafos Latinoamericanos

Autor Michel Otayek
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Editorial La Fábrica/Arts Santa Mònica - PHotoBolsillo
Idioma español
ISBN 9788416248919
Año 2018
Género Fotografía
Páginas 112